Thursday, May 27, 2010

Issues baby girl is not yet walking. She is 15 months old. I am aware that babies have different timetables and some may not walk until much later than 15 months. However, P has been cruising holding onto furniture for quite some time now. I would say since about 11 months. She can stand up on her own and then sit down again, stand up again, etc. It concerns me that she is not walking because it seems she has mastered these other skills and is just not moving on. I addressed my concerns with her pediatrician during her 15 month well baby visit a couple of days ago. He initially told me not to worry, that some babies take their time. She was standing up and down and cruising in the exam room so he pointed out that she seems to be doing well. Then came time for the exam. During the exam he noted that she may have a weakness in her left leg. Once he said that, it immediately came to my mind that when I try to put her shoes or shorts on she often fights me with the right leg but almost never with the left. So, I do realize that there may be a difference there.

In any event the doctor suggested having her see a physical therapist. He said it may be nothing but it may be something. In the event that it is something it would be better to start therapy sooner rather than later. I agree. So, next week she will be going for an evaluation at the physical therapy office. They already e-mailed me some preliminary paper work to complete and it is a LOT! I am glad we are doing something. Hopefully it is nothing but if something is up I am glad she is going to be getting some help.

I had a dentist appointment yesterday and it turns out I need a root canal. Fun! Fun! I am going back in a couple of weeks for the root canal. Luckily it is covered 100% by our dental insurance. Turns out though that the crown is not completely covered so that will cost us about $315. Yikes! Not a good time for that either. M is going to need braces soon and my husbands company is downsizing and he most likely will be getting laid off sometime between October and January.

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